The North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune from North Platte, Nebraska (2024)

7- V. THE NORTH PLATTE SEITPKSRLR IBpfflfflTDESDAr EVENING, AUGUST 27, 1895 4 sewed Exclusively t9 ti Million Ptopto Universally acceotea the Leading rm Codec of the World. JOHN HERROD Sells tlae above Coffee together with a complete line of STAPLE ID IB. Prices Always Seasonable. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Paid For Country; Produce.

MINOR MENTION. Tim Keliher left last night tor Lincoln taking- the horse-thief 'Chas. Nolan with him to the state penitentiary. A new business enterprise is about to be established in this city, but we not yet at liberty to lay it before our readers. There will be a meeting of the choral union this evening at which important business is to be transacted.

All members are urgently request ed to be present. Dr. N. F. Donaldson is now in Chicago, where in company with his wife, he is visiting relatives.

They will probably be home the latter part of this week. On next Thursday evening, August 29th, the ladies of the Lutheran church will give a lawn social at the residence of Charles Hendy, to which all are cordially invited. Seventy-five or eighty bushels ot oats to the acre upon unirrigated land this 'season is rather a sizedcrop; yet Jack Smallwood es-f Himates that as the yieldof the land he is farming down near 1 Maxwell. Jtforth Platteis well represented atitfae G. A.

R. reunion being held at Has tings this week and the representation will be materially increased by a number who expect fls to go to-night andto-morrow. i W. W. Xewis.

one of the teacherssof the county, Tias If Deen engaged to teacn an eignt month term of school in one of the districts north of town. During- the past year he taught in Antelope Eli McCarl says Montgomery county, Iowa, which is probably the banner agricultural county of that state, is intending make an ex hibit at the Nebraska state fair, but he admits that he believes that the farmers up along the old irrigation canal in this county will be able to scoop them. An emigrant traveling overland to Lemhi, Utah, camped over in the Third ward yesterday afternoon claimed that his wagon had been robbed. A suit of underclothing, an unlaundried shirt and one-fourth of a pound of plug tobacco were taken. The victim was very indignant.

The latest political rumor is to the effect that Jake Miller has decided not to be a candidate for reelection this fall unless Tim Keliher will consent to again be his deputy, to which the latter will not consent as it is said he wishes to again take-a fall out of the office of clerk of the district court. One thing is certain that the sheriff has been breaking in J. B. Tridle as bailiff this term of court which would indicate that perhaps Tim is sparring for something else. We give the report for what it is worth.

Although there are numerous fellows in this community who continually assert themselves as free silver men at all times and upon all occasions, et Hon. J. Bryan spent last Friday night in a hotel in this city, and his arrival was not greeted by the notes of the Gorden cornet band, nor was he even invited to wag his jaws other than at the table of the hostelry. Truely is he a dead lion, a blasted idol, a fallen hope, and there is none so poor as to do him reverence. A poor devil of a fellow "was taken out of a refrigerator car last night by 4 'Buck" Sawyer where he had been confined for five days.

He would not give his name, but said that he was sick and delirious at the Dalles, and entered the car to lie down and rest, and the door of the ice palace was. closed upon him. At each stop of the train atter becoming conscious he endeavored to attract the attention of the train men, but was unable to do so. At the jail last night, inhere he was taken, he was very his pulse running so high as indicate his dangerous condition. 3Ie aid tne iruix in tne car was so reen as un ea-t during v'jfcis.

enforced journey, W. H. 'Broach went up along the old irrigating canal this morning tor the purpose of taking "views for a couple of days. Rev. D.

Z. Foulk and John Fed- erhoof enjoyed some genuine turtle soup last Saturday made from a Lincoln county product. While mastering-the mysteries of the fascinating wheel last Friday evening Mrs. A. H.

Davis had the misfortune to very seriously sprain her ankle. First-class work, at reduced prices at the H. M. Butt Dental Parlors for the remainder of August. Office in charge of Dr.

W. A. DeBerry. W. Bullard." of this city, has been appointed a member of the free silver democracy state cen tral committee.

It is probable that our townsman F. E. Bullard was meant. Attend the band boys' sociable on next Friday night and give them a little lift on their expense account in return for the music you have enjoyed for the past -season or two. H.

C. Rennie will leave in a few days for Chicago to select his fall stock of goods. Miss Kate Wood, the trimmer in Mr. R's establishment, expects to go to St. Louis soon tor the purpose of learning the late styles and selecting a stock of millinery.

We have received a copy of the of the Duluth Press containing an authentic "write-up" of the life of Col. WVF, Cody by Col. Prentiss Ingrahanvthe novelist, from data afforded -by Mrs. H. C.

Wetmore, the sister of the principal character. Smoke Wright's Royal Sports and Havana Rose 5-cerit cigars. Doctor Aley, the Lincoln specialist, visits North Platte every month. His next regular visit will be Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 9th and 10th.

He stops at the Hotel Neville. If you contemplate leaving home for treatment, consult him before deciding. S. A. Douglas Post assisted by the W.

R. C. will give a ten cent social at its hall in Keith's block on Saturday evening, Aug. 31st. A literary program will be ren dered and refreshments Everybody is cordially invited.

Admission at the door, ten cents. W. S. Ross, of Myrtle is thority for the statement that L. P.

Derby was ihthafe precinct, he being the only "pop' that could be found, Since Louis P. managed to secure his pension from the present administration they feared that he might haveevo-luted into an administration democrat. I. A. Fort returned home the latter part of the week from his week's trip in the east.

While away he addressed an irrigation meeting at Elkhart, one at a point in western Ohio and also spoke at a meeting in Wisconsin. He says irrigation is a much discussed question in the Mississippi valley states. In the district court last week Charles Nolan, charged with stealing a horse belonging to John Keith, plead guilty and was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years. Jonn woioacn pieaa guilty to stealing a saddle and bridle from Henry Fogel and was sent to jail for thirty days. Kay Hettinger received a similar sentence for assaulting Carl Risdeu.

The LaRue-Freer assault case was continued until the next term. Died, in this city, after a ling ering illness of six weeks, on Saturday afternoon, Florence infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

Koontz. Had the little one Jived until to-morrow she would have been one year of age. Her last ill ness started in the form of cholera infantum, which developed into a complication of other The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon, and was well attended 'by sympathizing friends. The Dunbar Opera Co. which has just finished an engagement of eight weeks in Denver will open the theatrical season here on September 5th with a magnificent production of "Falka." The company has established a reputation for itself which ranks it among the best on the road.

Some of the artists have been with the best comic companies. Mr Robert Dunbar, the leading, tenor and proprietor has sung with the famous "Bostonians," McCaull Opera Duff Opera and with Conreid. Miss Beatrice Goldie, the well-known prima, donna soprano, is with the company. Miss Annie Cameron of the Delia Fox Miss Helen McLellan, formerly with the Pauline Hall Opera Mr. Al Leech a splendid comedian from the Tivoli theatre, San Francisco is also with them.

The company numbers twenty-five people and carries its own orchestra. Lovers of comic opera will do well to secure seats in advance, asv the management of the theatre offers a treat for its opWin ymo coxe akb go. N. B. Olds returned the latter, part of the weefcfromhisnp eat.

Milton Doolittie went to Omaha last -night upon a brief business trip. Mrs. Daugherty, the mother of Mrs. J. M.

Ray, is visiting withf the latter. Miss Nellie Grace left Saturday morning for a visit witirOinafca friends. W. Nasqn, of Omaha, waslin the; citv hours Saturday morning. Miss Feodora Picard left yester-.

day mornirig-ior a visifcwith Grand Islarid friends. Win. Munson arrived home in: this city last week, froai his suramer'sj outing in Colorado. H. W.

Allwine, of Omaha, came in Friday night and is spending- a few days in our city. Floyd McGinn and Pearl Armbus went to Hastings Sunday night with the Cody Guard. C. A. Diamond and wife and Miss Blanche Buckworth came- in from the east Friday night.

Ex-county treasurer J. H. Clark is in the city to-day calling upon his numerous friends. Tom Hughes and wife left this morning for a brief visit with friends in Adams county. Mrsi- H.

C. Blickensderfer and Miss Goodrich went to Lexington Saturday to visit relatives. Mrs. P. W.

O'Brien and Miss Sarah Finnegan left this morning for a visit with Cozad Geo. G. McKay started yesterday morning for the eastern market in search of novelties for his patrons, WmAJstadt, "Little Bismark," of Omaha, shook hands in this city yesterday with his numerous friends. Fred and May Campbell and Miss Gertie and Edna Hine left this morning for a trip to the Hastings reunion. Mrs.

L. M. McDonald, aunt of Rev. L. P.

McDonald, left this morning for her home in Springfield, Pa. J. is. Morrison, or ugauaia, was in town vesterdav onlep-al business. j.

as was aiso j. vy. or tne same place. Mrs. Wamsley who "has-been; making a visit with Goloaclo friends returned to North-Platte last, Wf A.

G. Tyler and wife of Ogallala, passed through this city this morning on their way to the reunion at Hastings. Miss Smith, who had been visiting Mrs. A. C.

Stewart for a number of days past, left yesterday for her home in Lexington. Senator Jno. M. Thurston passed through the city last Saturday morning on his way home from a western hunting and fishing tour. Misses Anna and Tina Freda left yesterday morning for Hastings to visit the reunion.

While absent they will visit their home in Kearney. Misses Neise and Windolph, neices of Mrs. Lu Huck, who have been visiting the latter for some time, left for their home this morning. Herbert Coville and wife left yesterday morning for Junction City, where the former has accepted the chair of Modern Languages in the state normal school. J.

W. Bridges and a half dozen other Gothenburgers, together with a couple of men from Vroman, were in town yesterday for the purpose of indentifyiHg the train robbers. C. W. Collins and wife, of Brooklyn, N.

arrived in town a day or two ago, and are the guests of We are the People who have The BEST FLOUR, The BEST COFFEE, The BEST TEA, nihe finest grades of everything in the Grocery Line in the City; always fresh and at prices that 7 DEFY COMPETITION. Belts! have just Silver mounted Belts, price $2x; Shirt Waist Sets at from to $2.50 and the new Long Watch Chains from $2 also.afine Belt Pins from 25 cents to $1. Something new every one warranted, $2.50. Tsaaf Dillon. Mr.

C. tiasTarge property interests in this Mrs. T. C. of Omaha, Awhile a her -way home from asum- mer'junt to Colorado, stopped on: in thisjcity the latter part of the weekVwith the" of H.

M. Grimes aad-visited old time friends here. Mrs. Lizzie George, nee Clark, of WaukeganrilhJbitingld time friends invthis cjWf and rlooking nfter her nrorjertvJ iterests south- west of here. excellent teacher employedpm the North Platte public schools a dozen years or so ago.

EAILWAXIUME. Lu Huck went Friday night for a briefvisit. Considerable numbers of cattle and sheep ard nowbeing shipped from the western fa*ges. Another train crejavas put on the Third district last, week and Fred Lelts was the' lifcky man to be benefitted thereby. Division master mechanic Man-ning, folio has been expected here for the past week, arrived in North Platte this morning.

Lu Hastings leave to-night for Grand Junction, Cdl. Jlto eat fruit off James Jaxn's At Pueblo he will be joined bjlins parents, who will accompany Sfci. Thos. McGlonewas. sentto Cozad this' morning to make some repairs upon the flouring mill boiler at that place.

He did-natjknow how much of a job he woulMjhave. A boiler-maker's helper who had been previously suspended, and has beeh spending at his "home hi New York, returned to'this cityjast week and was again put i iora i-iaiy, a weu-xuwii lorraer resident of this place, -but now -fdfemannn4aIjpileiDsIifotL a. rail- ruau cunijjuiiy u.u iji uuiid, ai-rived in the city Friday 'night and visited friends here. An Early Morninp Tire. Monday morning at a trifle past three o'clock' our citizens were aroused by the shriekings and wail-ings of the fog-horn whistle at the waterworks in concert with the hoarse bellowing, of the U.

P. sliopi whistle, from their early morning slumbers, and many of them lazily turned over upon their couches and muttered to themselves that some one must again be "monkeying" with the fire alarm system. The more energetic, however, arose and started upon a tour of investigation. This procedure developed the fact that the flames were consuming a two-story frame building upon east Front street belonging to Dan Murphy. The department quickly responded to the call, and although many of its members had left the city with the local militia company, prompt and efficient work soon subdued the blazes The origin of the fire is not known.

The loss is about $350, which, is fully protected by insurance, as there is said to be $1200 of insurance upon the property, in two For sale, a good heavy work team. Inquire at.the Wilcox Dept. Store. TOBENV got in some very pretty Ster- CLINTON, THE JEWELER. SUPPOSED TRAIN' R03BESS CAUGHT.

Xate and Hans Znndsen Arrested and Brought to This City. Information reached this city last Saturday evening of the capture of two men over near Mason City, in Custer county, who are supposed to be the identical parties who held up and robbed the Union Pacific train near Brady Island last Tuesday night. The capture was effected by ex-deputy sheriff Wm. Parsell, village marshal H. L.

Crossley, and Dr. Carlson. The fellows liad been seen by several Custer county citizens between Callaway and Broken Bow on Saturday. On reaching the Black Hills branch of the B. M.

R'y they stole a ride on a freight train from to Mason City, and were ignorainiously "fired" by the train crew. They only lingered but a brief time in Mason City and struck out walking eastward. Suspicion was directed to them and the above gentlemen started, in pursuit with the result that they came up with their quarry some five miles east of Mason City. At the time of their arrest the twain were bathing in. a pond near the roadside.

Upon being commanded to throw up their hands, the smaller one who only had his feet disrobed promptly complied with the order; but the larger oner who in the language of the sports is a "dead tough looking mug," seemed-disposed not to surrender, and started for his clothing to secure his revolver. Fortunately for him he realized that discretion was the better part of valor, and yielded ere the" officers decided to perforate his carcass. Onv their persons, were tound three revolvers, a knife, 32 in monev, some miscel laneous articles, and. two silk hand kerchiefs with holes torn in.tliemf whicjtfirtd indicate they had' been, usedifoQMpks. Tlie JflHws exhibit a low cuift mng, liicn-rmuife ac; co viction a matter of some difficulty, by reason of their not telling the-entire story in regard to heir presence in this part of the country, as they claim their home to be in Dakota1 county, this state.

They give their names as Knudsen, and are said to be Danes, and brothers. K. Knudsen is five feetseven inches in height, weighs 142 pounds, gives his age at twenty-nine years, and has his name tattooed on his left forearm. Hans Knudsen is six feet and one-fourth inch in height, states his age as twenty years, and weighs 168 pounds. Each have dark complexions and dark hair, closely cropped, and rather low foreheads, indicating- a low intellect, yet not necessarily a lack of cunning.

The suspects were about eighteen miles ahead of the following gentlemen who were gradually warming up the trail and in a short time would have been able to put the blood-hounds upon the track, although they had hitherto been of no avail: Frank White, United States marshal, W. H. Liddiard, chief deputy U. S. marshal, T.

J. Brewer, deputy sheriff, of Rouse, and U. P. R'y detectives Canada, Keith, Tobin and Vizzard. This party found a new Winchester rifle which had probably been dropped by the desperadoes in their wild flight across the country.

The latter were brought to this city upon a special train Sunday evening, and of course they attracted more attention than the three-ring pop circus of the day before, although from their attempt they also apperred to be free silver men. One persevering, perspiring individual was stationed at an upper window of the Pacific hotel armed with a kodak, and anxiously awaiting an opportunity to "press the button." But the opportunity was not afforded him to secure a "snap sljot" as the cars were switched up to the Locust street crossing and the two fellows were escorted to the county jail by a large throng of curious citizens. The Knudsen brothers were arraigned this morning before Judge Ray and their preliminary commenced. At the instance of their counsel, T. Fulton Gantt, a preliminary investigation was waived and bail was fixed at $5,000, in default of which they were remanded back to jail.

LITTLE HOLD-UPS. Sheriff Miller is takings the precaution to have the tw'ai'n-wll hbb- Washburn's Superlative Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied improvement in milling machinery the product of the hard, excellent -wheat of the north. If you are not using the Washburn Flour, try it. It is sold by JOHN HERROD, il So 01 and buying goods for his family he -would buy his supplies of W1L60X DEPARTMENT STORE, for King Solomon was a wise man, and knew a good thing when he saw it.

WE ARE THE ONLY Store mtk fc Platte that does not have to. eon-duct so-called "Special Skies" month, for the reason that we have a special sale that lasts 365 days in the, year, at prices that are less, quality considered haii our competitors buy are not paying losses yoi buy goods of us, Gall see ns The Wilcox Deirta First door south Streitz' Drug Store, NORTH PLATTvBtEB. '-fa bled with snackles whith are well riveted. The man Ostrander was discharged from custody yesterday morning-, it appearing- that he was not connected with the affair. Photographer Broach took the pictures of the prisoners yesterday afternoon, and while arranging-them in a suitable position the smaller one plead guilty of being- a preacher in the Salvation Army at Sioux City and said that he had converted a great many souls.

C. Kroeg-er, the sheriff of Colfax county, wrote from Schuyler for a description of the two men as he stated that he thoug-ht he knew them. Sheriff Miller allowed the fellows to answer the letter of in- quiry. in response tnereto tney confessed to being- Danes, gave a slight description of themselves, and concluded by stating- that they had never been in that county. Probably this is true, especially if they came right across the country X.LVHL VslLjr LU UU LUC JUL.

The Soys in line. The following is a complete roster ot tne Cody Guard who left Sunday night for the state encamp ment of the National Guards at Hastings. "We believe all the boys who are residents of this city, with two exceptions, attended the meet ing C. S. Scharman, H.

E. Evans, H. P. Jeffrey, David Scott. A.

F. Hammond, Robt, M. Mason. Thos. Cartwrlght.

M. Cress. SL M. McFarland. M.

V. Mitchell. Joe McGraw, J. F. Graw.

W. R. Rannie, G. C. Yost, J.

C. Clinton, B. A. Brown. C.

E. Brown, Wm. Breternitz. John I. Dick, R.

Demott. Wm. Gaunt, Col. E. Owens, J.

C. Raynor. A. M. Scharmann.

Chas. Sapkin. Jicm Yost. Wm. Yost.

Unas, bameuon. Sam'l Adams. Judge Austin, H. E. Brown, C.

E. JBreternitz, John Davis, H. C. Davis, J. C.

Orr. H. S. Rldelev. J.

W. Rowland, J. M. Simpson, N. A.

Sludcr, Jj. B. Tarklngton, Gpy B. Wood. Gun Clnb Score.

Til, fniinwinn-is the score made at the regular shoot of the gun club Thursday evening: Wllllaais CC00111U011010-8 oooioooouioico- iStST' oomooioooiooi- Sertod lUlUimioiuoiu CbgjQ iwjuwiuwwuv i When Buying Minneapolis FLOim Why not get the BEST? SOLE AGENT. were for. Remember on bad debts wheir foiV. we sail tov, qasli and get prices tie John Burke is having a good deal of sport these days taking "snap shots" at his friends with a miniature kodak. The Kearney Hub had oucjtrain, robbers taken to Omaha yesterday forenoon which is sadly at variance; with the facts.

Their present ad-" 1 dress is the Lincoln county jail. 'iiyr care of Sheriff Miller. Studebaker Wagons at Hershey Co's. READ THE AD. Read the ad.

headed "Free Course by Mail with the Capital City Commercial College." It is a fine offer. Apply for it. i SMOKERS In search of a good cigar wm always nna it at F. Schmalzried's. Try them and DID YOU READ IT? The Capital City Commercial College has a card in this paper offering instruction free to a number of persons.

Did you read it? Suburban acre lots of irrigated land for sale on reasonable terms and time, and in amounts to suit purchasers. B. I. HINMAN. HOW'S THIS! Wo nffnr Dn Hundred Dollars- Tta- of Catarrh that; can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.

J. Jr. Aoieao, u. Wn fViA iindflwjjrrnod. have known J.Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made hv thnir firm.

Wost. Xr. Tram. Wholesale Drueirista. Toledo, O.

Walding, Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, unio. TTnll'a Hatnrrh is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottls. Sold by all Druggists.

Testimonials free..

The North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune from North Platte, Nebraska (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.