XMRig - The-GNTL-Project/Documentation GitHub Wiki (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Description
  • Install and Run
    • Windows
      • Pre-requisites
      • Download and Extract
      • Configure XMRig
      • Launch the Miner
      • Launch the Miner using Command Line
    • Ubuntu
      • Build from Source
      • Download Config
      • Launch the Miner
      • Launch the Miner using Command Line
  • Customization
    • Launching multiple instances to mine different coins
      • Windows
    • Solo Mining to a Daemon
      • Run the Daemon
      • Configure XMRig
      • Launch the Miner
  • Troubleshooting
    • Common Errors
    • Enable Logging

XMRig is our preferred miner due the support and release life cycle being excellent.XMRig is available with support for the majority of our Pools.We have donated in the past, and do so every now and then, so we have gone ahead and compiled a 0% Fee version for use by our miners.

The paths used in these instructions are examples, so feel free to substitute them.Where you see COIN, substitute this to the coin's Ticker, e.g. gntl



These are all required before you proceed:

  1. 7-zip.
  2. Pool URL and Port, available from the GNTL Discord Server.
  3. Wallet Address for the COIN.
  4. A folder which has been excluded from your Anti-Virus software, because mining software will be flagged as malicious e.g. C:\Data\XMRig.

Download and Extract

Let's now download and extract the required software:NOTE: Conceal and Equilibria use the CN/GPU Algorithm, which is not supported in the latest releases of XMRig, so grab v5.9.0.

XMRig-vn.n.n-Windows-BKdilse.exe - This is the CPU & OpenCL (AMD) Miner, and it's a self-extracting file. This is always required.

NOTE: Nvidia cards will require the XMRig package, as well as additional DLLs available on XMRig's Github. There are compatibility issues with versions, so you need to try a version which works with your GPU.


  1. Download required version of XMRig from the GNTL Discord Server
  2. Extract XMRig to a suitable location, e.g. C:\Data\XMRig.

Configure XMRig

Let's configure XMRig using our customized config.json file:

  1. Open config.json in Notepad.
    1. If you want to disable CPU mining, set it in the cpu section:
      1. "enabled": false,
    2. If you want to enable AMD GPU mining, set it in the opencl section:
      1. "enabled": true,
    3. If you want to enable NVIDIA GPU mining, set it in the cuda section:
      1. "enabled": true,
    4. Change the following section, with the details of the COIN you are mining, and then Save and Close Notepad.

NOTE: The email format can be [emailprotected], [emailprotected], but cannot be [emailprotected] (please contact support if you need this enabled):

  1. You need to change this section, using the examples below. The WORKER_ID is what you want to call your miner, WORKER_ID:EMAIL_ADDRESS will allow payout threshold changes and email alerts:
"url": "COIN.gntl.uk:PORT","user": "WALLET_ADDRESS","pass": "WORKER_ID:EMAIL_ADDRESS or just WORKER_ID",

e.g. 1 - Single worker (device), without E-Mail registration, using a single config.json file:

"url": "pool.gntl.uk:10007,"user": "gnt1Th1KKdTgRsnP6TQovTKhNZpShQJ694b4ZMBTb4ySP8xDRKHb4neaP4mdMJJKpsKvy5unkTFo28vzCssDDG3s8kcKiJhNCL","pass": "Desktop01",

e.g. 2 - Single worker (device), with E-Mail registration, using a single config.json file::

"url": "pool.gntl.uk:10007","user": "gnt1Th1KKdTgRsnP6TQovTKhNZpShQJ694b4ZMBTb4ySP8xDRKHb4neaP4mdMJJKpsKvy5unkTFo28vzCssDDG3s8kcKiJhNCL","pass": "Desktop01:[emailprotected]",

e.g. 3 - Single worker (device), using a single config.json file, assigning a static difficulty of 25000:

"url": "pool.gntl.uk:10007","user": "gnt1Th1KKdTgRsnP6TQovTKhNZpShQJ694b4ZMBTb4ySP8xDRKHb4neaP4mdMJJKpsKvy5unkTFo28vzCssDDG3s8kcKiJhNCL+25000","pass": "Desktop01",

e.g. 4 - Multiple workers (devices), using a separate config.json files, one for each worker:

"url": "pool.gntl.uk:10007","user": "gnt1Th1KKdTgRsnP6TQovTKhNZpShQJ694b4ZMBTb4ySP8xDRKHb4neaP4mdMJJKpsKvy5unkTFo28vzCssDDG3s8kcKiJhNCL","pass": "Desktop01:[emailprotected]",
"url": "pool.gntl.uk:10007","user": "gnt1Th1KKdTgRsnP6TQovTKhNZpShQJ694b4ZMBTb4ySP8xDRKHb4neaP4mdMJJKpsKvy5unkTFo28vzCssDDG3s8kcKiJhNCL","pass": "Laptop01:[emailprotected]",

Launch the Miner

Let's now launch XMRig, and start mining:

  1. Run xmrig.exe (as Administrator)
    1. You should now be mining. Any issues, contact us on Discord for support.

Launch the Miner using Command Line

If you prefer the command method to launch XMRig, without a config,json, use this format:

xmrig.exe -o pool.gntl.uk:10007 -u gnt1Th1KKdTgRsnP6TQovTKhNZpShQJ694b4ZMBTb4ySP8xDRKHb4neaP4mdMJJKpsKvy5unkTFo28vzCssDDG3s8kcKiJhNCL -p Laptop01:[emailprotected] --tls


Build from Source

You have two build options here, so choose the appropriate one, run through the lines to prepare the build environment, obtain the source, and build it:

Default build (includes xmrig dev donation):

cd ~sudo apt install git build-essential cmake libuv1-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-devgit clone https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig.gitmkdir xmrig/build && cd xmrig/buildcmake ..make -j$(nproc)

For 0% dev donation (if you would rather donate manually):

cd ~sudo apt install git build-essential cmake libuv1-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev sedgit clone https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig.gitsed -i 's/5\;/0\;/g' xmrig/src/donate.h && sed -i 's/1\;/0\;/g' xmrig/src/donate.hmkdir xmrig/build && cd xmrig/buildcmake ..make -j$(nproc)

You should now be left with the xmrig binary in the build folder. You can safely move this to a custom location, and then remove the source folder, e.g.:

mkdir ~/XMRigmv xmrig ~/XMRig/xmrigcd ~sudo rm xmrig -r

The xmrig binary is now located in the folder XMRig, in your home location.

Download Config

We have the GNTL customized config.json, which saves you enabling various options.

cd ~/XMRigwget -O config.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/The-GNTL-Project/Configs/master/XMRig_config.json

Use the Configure XMRig section above, to configure the miner using your favorite editor.

Launch the Miner

cd ~/XMRigsudo ./xmrig

Launch the Miner using Command Line

If you prefer the command method to launch XMRig, without a config,json, use this format:

./xmrig.exe -o pool.gntl.uk:10007 -u gnt1Th1KKdTgRsnP6TQovTKhNZpShQJ694b4ZMBTb4ySP8xDRKHb4neaP4mdMJJKpsKvy5unkTFo28vzCssDDG3s8kcKiJhNCL -p Laptop01:[emailprotected] --tls

Launching multiple instances to mine different coins


Here you will find a sample Command File, which launches multiple instances of XMRig with custom configs for different coins.

You must config each coin config with your desired mining settings, such as CPU/GPU threads, and turn on/off CPU/GPU mining.

You should also create the appropriate folder structure. e.g. C:\Data\XMRig (containing the miner sofware), C:\Data\XMRig\Configs (containing the custom configs)

  1. Open Notepad and paste in the following:
@echo offset XMRIGPATH=C:\Data\XMRigSTART powershell -Command "Start-Process -WorkingDirectory %XMRIGPATH% 'xmrig.exe' '--config=Configs\BLOC_config.json' -Verb runAs"START powershell -Command "Start-Process -WorkingDirectory %XMRIGPATH% 'xmrig.exe' '--config=Configs\CONCEAL_config.json' -Verb runAs"START powershell -Command "Start-Process -WorkingDirectory %XMRIGPATH% 'xmrig.exe' '--config=Configs\HAVEN_config.json' -Verb runAs"
  1. Save the file to a suitable location and close Notepad, naming it Start-XMRig.cmd (be sure to change the Save as type to All Files).
  2. Double-click the Start-XMRig.cmd to start mining, which will launch multiple instances of XMRig, using your custom configs.

Solo Mining to a Daemon

NOTE: v6 of XMRig have removed support for rx/arq, so it's not possible to use this to mine. You will have to grab v5.n.n

This will allow you to solo mine without using a pool. Be aware this is inadvisable for any coin with a high network hashrate, as your chances of finding a block alone are very slim.

Run the Daemon

Run the daemon for your selected coin as per the instructions here, and wait for it to fully sync. If you would like to run a Daemon on a Remote machine, be sure to add --rpc-bind-ip --confirm-external-bind to the daemon run command, so it listens on all IP addresses rather than the localhost IP address.

Configure XMRig

Once you have the daemon running you only need to change a few lines, depending on what you currently have setup, in the config file. The following are mandatory.

"algo": "THE_ALGO_YOU_ARE_MINING","url": "IP_ADDRESS:PORT","user": "WALLET_ADDRESS","daemon": true,"tls": false,

e.g. To point to a remote GNTL daemon:

"algo": "rx/arq","url": "","user": "gnt1Th1KKdTgRsnP6TQovTKhNZpShQJ694b4ZMBTb4ySP8xDRKHb4neaP4mdMJJKpsKvy5unkTFo28vzCssDDG3s8kcKiJhNCL","daemon": true,"tls": false,

e.g. To point to a local GNTL daemon:

"algo": "rx/arq","url": "","user": "gnt1Th1KKdTgRsnP6TQovTKhNZpShQJ694b4ZMBTb4ySP8xDRKHb4neaP4mdMJJKpsKvy5unkTFo28vzCssDDG3s8kcKiJhNCL","daemon": true,"tls": false,

Launch the Miner

Run XMRig as you normally would. You won't see shares being accepted, but you should see accepted once you've mined a block.

Common Errors

Here you will find some common error codes, and their meanings.

  • connect error: "operation cancelled" or connect error: "connection refused" - You have not configured the COIN.gntl.uk:100nn values, or your public IP address may be in the Pools IP Blacklist, please contact Pool Support.
  • connect error: "permission denied" - Your Anti-Virus or Firewall software may be blocking the miner executable. Ensure you have created an exclusion for the miner folder.
  • read error: "end of file" - You are trying to mine on a TLS port, but the config.json has the setting "tls": false,. Change it to "tls": true,, and try again.
  • login error code: 4 - The version of XMRig is potentially incorrect, try a different version.
  • error: "Unauthenticated", code: -1 and no active pools, stop mining - Your hardware may require clock adjustments, power setting checks, as the device is struggling to hash. Try applying some clock settings for your device, and try again.
  • The miner does not connect to the pool, and connects to the Dev Pool instead using a % Fee. This occurs when there is an issue with the config, so review the initial XMRig console, which should display the error it is seeing, correct your config, and try again. If you do not see an initial error, you could be using an unsupported configuration, so seek advice from Pool Support.
  • Difficulty is too high, or adjusting incorrectly. The pool adjusts your difficulty automatically, but occasionally it is not correct. Review the difficulty when it looks ok, and set it manually in the config.json, adding +nnnn after your wallet address, which sets a static difficulty, and try again.

Enable Logging

This is how you enable logging, with an example path (note that the path is a little like Linux formatting):

  1. Open config.json in Notepad.
    1. Change "log-file": null, to "log-file": "C:/Miner/XMRig/xmrig.log".
XMRig - The-GNTL-Project/Documentation GitHub Wiki (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.