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British YouTuber and boxer JJ "KSI" has responded to his fans expressing concerns about a potential skin condition or vitiligo. This comes after the YouTuber posted a photo of his hand, revealing a noticeable lightened spot. Typically, vitiligo begins with irregular depigmentation of the skin in different areas of the body during its initial stages.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that there is no confirmation that he actually has the same condition. In a lighthearted manner, KSI playfully described himself by stating:
"I'm turning white"(Timestamp: 01:05)
Does KSI have vitiligo? Doctor recommends YouTuber to get medical attention
KSI's recent social media post discussing a light spot on his hand has sparked concerns about a potential skin condition such as vitiligo. This caught the attention of a doctor who posted on JJ's official subreddit, suggesting that he should have it examined by a dermatologist. They wrote:
"I’m writing this to let you know that you should get this tested with a dermatologist and preferably undergo an examination called a “wood lamp” test. This will allow the doctor to identify possible causes of whitening of the skin."Additionally, the doctor mentioned that if JJ begins depigmentation therapy as soon as possible, it may help prevent the condition from spreading further:
"It could be a case of Vitiligo (what MJ had). However, the earlier you are diagnosed the sooner you can start depigmentation therapy."KSI reacted to the post on his latest YouTube upload, stating that he doesn't wish to seek any help right away:
"I don't know if I can be ar*ed man. Look, if it gets like crazy, if it starts like taking over my whole body, then maybe then I'll start to actually give a sh*t. I appreciate the help though. A 'wood lamp test.' I will keep that in mind and yeah, when it gets mad, if it does go mad, then I'll make the necessary changes."Here's what the fans said
Fans have shared both concerning and humorous reactions to the recent post of the white patch on his hand. Here are some of the notable ones:
JJ has a packed schedule for the remainder of 2023. In September, he is set to participate in the upcoming Sidemen Charity Match 2023. Furthermore, ongoing contract discussions with Tommy Fury indicate the possibility of the YouTuber's return to the boxing ring later this year.
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